Engaging the CMCC

The CMCC gets engaged based on a written mediation request which has to indicate the following information:

  • surname, first name, function or company name and address as well as both parties’ phone numbers and advisors,
  • short summary of the dispute, both parties’ views or in case of a unilateral request only the view of the party approaching the CMCC.

The CMCC informs the parties about its engagement and provides them with the Mediation Rules.

The parties have 15 days to answer. In case of not receiving any answer from a party or receiving an express refusal of the mediation proposal, the dossier is closed immediately.

Mediation costs

Civil and commercial mediation has to be paid for.

The mediator’s fees are invoiced based on a fix fee per hour as set in the joint agreement between the mediator and the parties.

The CMCC invoices administrative costs of 200 EUR per hour excluding taxes if the parties agree to start the mediation process.

Our mediators have followed an accreditation procedure and participate regularly on trainings organized from the CMCC or other organisms.

These training courses are open for each professional who wants to get familiar with the mediation process, spirit, and techniques.

Mediators at the CMCC

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The mediators are chosen from a list of accredited mediators which is kept by the CMCC. The choice is based on the dispute’s nature and the parties’ expressed request.

The mediator meets the required selection criteria and complies with the recommended deontological code passed by the CMCC. The mediators chosen this way come from all economic sectors (general managers, lawyers, advocates, accountants, auditors, engineers, …).

They are selected based on two major criteria:

their professional skills and their knowledge of the business world in general and

their knowledge and abilities to master the specific process of mediation.

Mediation in Luxembourg

Luxembourg’s mediation landscape

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Advantages for companies and citizens

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Practical guide for managers

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Was ist drin für das Handwerk?

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Die Mediation im Großherzogtum Luxemburg

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Kostensenkung durch effiziente kommunikative Kompetenzen

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CMCC : Alternative zu Geriichtsprozesser

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Lotse bei Konflikten

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Interview Felix Braz / L'invité Dr. Jan Kayer

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Médiation : 70 % de litiges résolus

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Streitpartner statt Gegner vor Gericht

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Mediation - was bringt's?

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